The Financial Fitness Program teaches the principles behind the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of personal finance.

What's Inside:

  • Financial Fitness Book
  • Financial Fitness Workbook
  • 9 information Packed Audios
  • Available in 3 Languages
    • English, Spanish, French
  • Financial Fitness Decal

Available Digitally

  • Financial Fitness eBook
  • Financial Fitness eWorkbook
  • 9 information Packed Audios
  • Available in 3 Languages
    • English, Spanish French
  • Audios Available Offline

Financial Literacy Video Training Series

A collection of instructional videos, taught by Financial Fitness co-Authors Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, that are designed to reinforce the 47 principles taught in the Financial Fitness Program.
Play Sample 1

Play Sample 2

Play Sample 3

Play Sample 4

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

We were $10K in debt and we didn’t have any hope for our financial future; we also weren’t on the same page financially as a couple. As we started going through the Financial Fitness Program, we were inspired to start applying the new information into our lives. After going through the ‘Green Box’, we found around $700 extra to invest in ourselves and our business, and have been able to save 10% of our income. Right now we are debt free! Also, by next month we will have our emergency fund complete. Without the information from the Green Box, we would have been trapped in the Financial Matrix forever.
Jared and Aleks Ervin

I am so stinking excited about this Green Box!!! It has changed everything in our lives! When we were introduced to the Financial Fitness Program, we were in graduate school and running head-long into the Financial Matrix. The very thing the Green Box did for us was stop us in our tracks, and we haven't accrued anymore debt since- which is FIRED UP! Then we learned how to pay less in taxes, invest in ourselves, and give ourselves a 30% raise at work!! Then, in 7 weeks time, we have one months worth of savings and have paid off over $10,000 of debt!!! This is only the beginning for the Smith family. The Green Box revolution has just begun.
AJ and Emily Smith