Beyond Financial Fitness

Learn how to build security and prosperity for the future.

What's Included

  • Beyond Financial Fitness Book
  • Beyond Financial Fitness Workbook
  • Audio Book and 4 Educational Audios
  • Two DVDs
  • Bookmark and Decal

Available Digitally

  • Two Online Videos
  • One Audio Book
  • Four Digital Audios
  • One eBook

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

I am so proud of my husband Tommie! He has gone through the Financial Fitness principles and has been able to eliminate our consumer debt of over $48K! We were able to pay off two of our creditors 26 months in advance- totaling around $13,210. The principles we have learned in the Financial Fitness Program absolutely work! I would suggest everyone to dig and get rolling.
Cassandra Mathis

It’s payday and I am leaving the bank after making my last car payment! That means I am now able to put more money in my pocket every month. I’ve been following every single thing that the Financial Fitness Program teaches. Now I’m one step closer to getting out of the Financial Matrix! I cannot tell you what a blessing it is to have these financial principles in my life. I can’t wait to spread this information to everyone so that they, too, can live a debt-free lifestyle. Fired up!
Mykal Lue

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$120.00 (USD)

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